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Parents and Families of Persons with Developmental Disabilities

On Behalf of | Dec 14, 2015 | Firm News |

Parents and Families of Persons with Developmental Disabilities

Raising children is always an excellent adventure and parents know well that no two children are the same.  They do not have the same likes, dislikes, skills or abilities.  Some are easy going and others a little more challenging.  In most cases, parents can always find people around who are more than willing to share information, experiences or guidance.  For the parents of children of any age with developmental disabilities the challenges are particularly unique and can be difficult at times.  Furthermore there are fewer reliable resources upon which to draw for guidance and support.  It is not so easy to find people knowledgeable about resources such as schools and therapy programs suitable for your child or summer camps for middle school students who need support.  In addition there are always questions such as: Where do you look for employment opportunities for older children? Where do you go to for strategies to deal with behavioral challenges?

Florida’s Voice on Developmental Disabilities is a statewide, nonprofit independent advocacy and networking organization. FVDD started in Broward however, membership and activities have been expanding in North and Central Florida. Members include parents, family and friends of people with developmental disabilities.  FVDDs mission is to share information and resources to ensure that a full continuum of care is offered to persons with any of the five developmental disabilities recognized within the state of Florida: Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities, Prader Willi Syndrome and Spina Bifida. There is also a daylong seminar planned to be held in May of 2016 specifically focusing on behavior related issues.  If you want to find out more information the group’s website is located at